Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Thank you friend. i wanted to give me friend a special thank you for his kind words about me regarding the previouse blog I posted. Thank you Gregg so much and i hope you are not mad i posted this. I think it will help others make there letters. I love you- jamie


My name is Gregg I am a 21 year old man, and a good friend of Jamie Greiman. My reasons for writing this letter is to set clear that Jamie Greiman is a good man at heart. I'm also writing this letter because I feel that his good deeds for family, friends and service to the community need to be brought into recommendation for his sentencing. If you would please read what I have to write and say about Jamie Greiman in this Personal Character letter, I will be greatful.

Jamie Greiman is a trustworthy hardworking man. He is very dependable and has an open heart to everyone around him. He cares a big deal about what goes on in his family life and his friends life. For example, when his niece was going through a crisis and thought no one would be there for her, Jamie was the first person to step up to the plate and be there for her. He wrote her back saying everything will be okay and he did it out of the love in his heart. Moreover, he constantly helps his friends when they are down. Whether it be mentally, spiritually or just a daily function, Jamie has always in my presence put his family and best of friends first to be there and give a lending hand. Jamie Greiman is also a very honest man, if you try to say otherwise, he will bring out the evidence that he is honest. I strongly believe that he is honest because everything i've heard him say since i've met him has been 100
rue. I don't think I would ever have a reason to believe otherwise that he wasn't honest because he is such a straight forward man.

As I stated previously, Jamie puts his family and friends first. Since i've known Jamie he has helped his father through Cancer twice and has been great at assisting him. I believe if there was an emergency under any circumstance regarding his family or best of friends, Jamie will be the first person there to help or send his love. Since Jamie's conviction, he has also gone to a rehabilitation program called AA. I believe this program has helped him become a better person and has made him realize some of his past mistakes. He has also served the many communities by being a member of the Red Cross. On the Red Cross he has served as a Manager, Disaster Service Supervisor, Trainer, Clien Service Supervisor, Financial CAS Manager and last but not least DAT Team Member. As you can see,Jamies presence in the Red Cross is tremendous, he has also helped victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. Jamie is not only a member of one community organization, but four (including red cross). He is a member of the Democratic National Comittee, PAWS (Performing Animal Welfare Group) and the Manteca Democratic Club. Jamie Greiman is very active in the community! and i'm proud to say it, because he does a great helping hand and all the volunteers I have met that work with Jamie would surely agree.

Your honor, I believe Jamie Greiman has gone through a substantial change in the past two and a half years to the person he is today. He has done good for the community, he is a genuine honest man, and he cares for his family and friends a whole lot. What more can you ask of a man? he has turned himself into a great person among the community with a one ended bump in the road. Not to mention his criminal record is clean across the boards. When I see Jamie Greiman I do not see a criminal, I see the best friend. I see the kind hearted man i've always seen in him that will give his time out of any day to give a lending hand. I see someone that I can sit with and laugh and be friendly with. I see a social man knowing and admitting to the world what he did in his past was wrong, and puting an end to the way he lead his life before. If I could just ask one thing from this letter, it would be to let this man have the minimal punishment of the law. I have seen criminals in my lifetime, I have known several people that have gone to jail and I could tell you now, this letter of Character would not be written for many of them. Jamie in no way presents himself presently in a criminal way. I hope you take my words about Jamie Greiman into consideration on deciding his sentence, thank you for your time and judgement.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

5:18 PM  

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