Wednesday, June 21, 2006


PUPPY LOVE OK where do I begin? Well the old boy images/jjjfwBB.jpg is out, as in no longer wanting to be even a friend in my life. Sucks ass, all get to that next. Good news though! WHOO HOOO there is a new boy in my Lifers. Met him on here, lol go figure. He is a little old for me 21, lol j/k. He is 21 but thats so not too old for me. Not going to out him on so I will just refer to him as" the new boy". I mean new in more ways than on. Well he is new to the whole gay thing to begin with. Yes I was his first gay hook up. Now Im his first gay B/F. He is so fucking awesome and nice. Such a nice change from the old boy. We have spent like every night for the past 2 weeks together. It is nice not only to have him as a b/f, but also that he is someone local and not three hours away. Ive introduced him to the folks, they like him. Though I still do lie about new b/fs when it comes to there ages.. Lol dont want to freak my parents out to much.. So I told him to say he was a few years older than he is . no biggie, my parents would accept either way. Any one who knows my parents know they ROCK. Everyone loves my parents. images/JANEMISSIOWAaloneweb.jpg images/CORKYDAD.jpg Hell, you would have thought they were ex hippies, how cool they are and accepting of everything I do. So back to the new boy

*****Breaking Blog News******
SORRY NEW BOY, BUT I GOT TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST. So I am typing this new blog and I get a text out of the blue from the old boy. The text reads " FUCK OFF DO NOT CALL OR TEXT ME AGAIN'. I think, wow omg. The last text I sent the old boy read "Josh its cool you have a b/f no worries just trying to remain your friend we talked hours every day and I have been there for every little worry or problem you have had no matter what time of day or who I am with. I just had a family member die and I am feeling down. Just dont want to be sad thinking I lost you as a friend also". So that got me the text from him " FUCK OFF DO NOT CALL OR TEXT ME AGAIN". So I text him back "wow josh how fucked is this. I listen to you all hours of the day bitch about Walmart and your new b/f having a b/f and I am down one night and ask to talk to you and you tell me to fuck off? OMG". I get a text back from him that reads " P.S. LOVE JOHNNY". Ok explains everything somewat. The "old boys" new B/F feels totally threatened by me even though the "old boys" new B/F has a B/F that he lives with. LOL "STAY WITH ME" Back to Josh, so anyone that has read my other blogs knows I loved Josh to death. But after the last fight we had I realized we made better friends. Everything was great, talking hours every day on the phone about our new B/Fs blah blah blah. A few days ago the old bois new b/f Imd me and said "hell leave josh alone and quit talking to him. I do not want you guys to be friends" I text back "whatever seems like Josh has made a choice between me and you. Maybe you should make a choice between Josh and the guy you fuck and sleep with every night. While josh sleeps alone. Its not fair to josh". Now I said all this to the old boys new b/f not to piss him off, but just to look out for Josh. Who I considered one of my closest friends.. I mean hell how many of you talk to someone 3 hrs a day and not consider them close? My bad I guess.. So Im tired of talking about the "old boy" drama. Im sure you are all tired of it also, either that or I lost ya way back in the story. LOL

Back to puppy love- So I am starting to feel bad talking about the "old boy" so much when I have an awesome "new boy" I should be talking about. But I see it this way, and god I hope this doesnt come out wrong. Lets say you loose your old family pet and ya get a new pet. Just cause ya have a new pet doesnt mean ya still do not care or think about the old pet, that brought ya so much joy. I SO HOPE THAT DOESNT COME ACROSS AS BAD. But that was the closest analogy I could think of. So me and the "new boy" have hit it off really well. He is so great and he has made my life so happy. Especially now when I need someone there for me more than ever. "tick tock, tick tock" I think I have like 4 months left. Check my blog counter to get the exact date. My best friend larry even told him the other day, " god I have not seen Jamie this happy in a long time". So it must be a good thing.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

5:18 PM  

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