Wednesday, June 21, 2006


So last night i did something normal..LOl.. You need to first realize, nothing in my life is normal. I don't have a normal relationship, i don't have a normal life, no normal job, and no normal out look on life. So when little bits of normalcy happen it's is so not normal to me. So last night I had a had training with the Red Cross.. It was on the Avian Bird Flu. For those of you who may not know I am a client services Supervisor with the Red Cross. I spent almost 3 months last year dealing with Hurricane Katrina. I was away for 3 months in New Orleans, Baton rouge, oh and I love the work I do with the Red Cross and they obviously love the work I do for me to be promoted to supervisor. I actually was a manager at the call center for disaster assistance in Bakersfield. So lots of you know my legal situation I'm sure. I sorta dropped out of the Red Cross stuff for a month while I was trying to figure out what is going on with my case.. Last week i get this call from them saying how great I am and such and that they want me to be an instructor, to teach the client/family services class. I was hesitant to do it not knowing how much longer I have in the outside world. But then I thought hell its all ready been 2 years of court I have been going through, who can say It may not be another year of it? So if I can do any good while im still out, then why not. Everything in life, believe it or not, does happen for a reason.. You may not realize it at the time it happens, but as you get older it really does all come clear. So there is obviously some reason that Red Cross and me have crossed paths. So if it is my destiny or what ever ya want to call it to train hundreds of people how to help care for thousands of displaced families than maybe thats the reason alot of shit in my life has happened.. Who knows, only time will tell. Working with the Red Cross made it possible for me to meet on of the greatest guys in my life, Josh. So hell maybe thats the reason. I do not know nor will i know anytime soon. But again, everything in life happens for a reason. You don't have to be deeply religous to realize this.. I guess the older you get the more you can see its true. So thats my blog for today. Im spending the weekend with my "boi". We are going to yosemite. Wooo Hooo! He just lost a friend of his the other day and i feel bad.. She was only 18 and died in a car accident. I feel really bad, and hell I know the pain.. My brother died in an accident about the same age.. So i'm trying to be there for him, and I hope this weekend will make him feel better.. SO peace out. If ya read this do me a favor. At least leave me a comment. they mean a lot. Jamie

p.s no new legal news. I will keep ya updated when that happens.


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