Wednesday, June 21, 2006


DEAL OR NO DEAL??>?>?>?>?>?>?>?>

OK . Here is the deal I received today and would like some thoughts on what I should do. So here they are:

Choice #1years. If I agree on this plea I should qualify for a drug
program,500 hrs, to take while in prison.This will take one year off my time. Bringing the time to serve now to 3.9 years.Completing this program also allows me to live in a half way house for
6 months. So now we are at a total of 3.3 years needed to serve. If I agree to this option my lawyers will not have the opportunity to argue any mitigatingcircumstances to persuade the judge to impose a lesser of the recommended 57months. But I will be guaranteed the most being 57 months.

Choice#2- Agree to a locked sentence of 57 months to 71 months. But have the opportunity to argue to the judge for a lesser sentence. This would allow my lawyers to argue before the Judge my background(good), my criminal history(none), my work with the AMERICAN RED CROSS(great), my dads health(lung cancer, heart trouble,ect.) and to hear from neighbors, friends, family, and anyone else who would want to change the judges mind. Now this would also still get me the year off for the drug program and the 6 months halfway house. So may sentence down to lets say 2.3 years. The only thing is if we do this the prosecutor also has the opportunity to ask for an increased sentence up to 71 months almost an extra 2years. So it is a big risk. If I loose any arguments with the prosecutor and the Judge . If we loose then they can give me up to the 71 months not the locked in 57 months.


So the question I ask you, my friends, family, tricks, and fellow blogers is this:

Wtf would you guys do? Its like that show,DEAL OR NO DEAL. I need some advice I must know by Monday. Please leave me a blog comment on what I should do.

Thanks- Jamie



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5:18 PM  
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1:50 AM  

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