Wednesday, June 21, 2006


So the slide show above is all pictures taken of me when I was between 17 and 23. God damn when I see those pics I so wish I could be that age again.
Hell I had a nice body, hot as hell, and an entire life ahead of me. God it's every gay guys wish to be young and attractive. The older you get the more you loose that.
Well maybe not, I guess it all depends on what and who you are attracted to. But in the gay world, youth and good looks, seem to be what is considered hot. I think I
still got the looks, but I do wish I had the looks I had back then. I guess thats just not a gay thing but a unviversal feeling with anyone getting older. So besides looking
better when we are younger, you also have your entire life ahead of you. Yes I know 35 is not old to most of us. But if I could just go back in time, knowing what I know
now about life. Trust, there would be some major changes as to where my life is today. I remember being 18 and thinking OMG 35 is so old. But you know whats
strange? I don't feel old inside. I feel like I have the same energy and drive I had when I was 18. Maybe thats why I am attracted to guys younger than me. Or maybe it's because 19
was the age my brother died. Who knows maybe I'm still searching for that brother I lost so many years ago. Wow, thats a deep thought. Now i look at guys between 43 and 47 and think
damn thats old. (sorry if your in that age range). I think to myself, my god thats prolly going to be my age when I get out of Prison. Im going to be that 43 or 47 year old guy I ignore
in chat rooms because I think he is to old. But only time can tell and if I'm still dating guys now that are 10 years younger than me. I guess it will still be the same when I get out.

Speaking of which....Here is a hot story I am going to share. Homophobes and family members may want to skip to the next paragraph..LOL

So this weekend I took my 2 day Red Cross instructor course. I am now a certified Red Cross Instructor on top of all ready being a Red Cross client service supervisor. I now am certified to
teach everything from Shelter Operations, Mass Care, even aviation disasters. So, your probably saying " Big Fucking deal" about now. But keep reading it gets interesting

.. So there is this HOT 22 year old Fireman in the class also who happens to live in my town. During breaks and lunches we share stories about being in LA after Katrina, ect.
He keeps having to bring up how many hot girls he banged in each conversation. I go along by saying things like, " thats fucken hot bro, damn your lucky". So the next day we get certified
and he ask if i could give him a ride home. I'm like, "sure why not". The conversation on the way home is the same as it has been the past 2 days, talks about all the hot girls this guy has banged.
All of a sudden he looks at me and says " damn dude see those girls in that car we passed? Slow down so they can get beside us." Im like, "ok". Trying to act as straight as possible and look interested
in the skankey blonde bimbos we are driving next to. "yeah they are fucking hot" i say. So I drop him off at home and we shake hands and thats the last I fell i will ever see this boy..
No biggie, at least it was some good eye candy on the way home.


So 11pm last night I get this call from the Hot 22 year old Fireman. "he bro ya want to come over and have some beers?" he says.
This just weirds me out cause this boy is so fucking straight looking and acting, there must be no way he is thinking what I am thinking.
So I tell him ill call Him back. I chicken out and decide to just fucking text him.
I text him, " Hey bro you do know I am gay don't ya?"..
I wait 10 minutes, still no reply..
Then he texts me back, " Really you are? Do you got a big dick?"
Well I just dropped off the hot straight 22 year old fireman 12 hrs later.
OMFG was it hot.Though he still talked alot about the chicks he has banged.. The boy could ..... like the best of them. WHOO HOOO.
P.S.- He asked me "if he could leave his change off clothes in my car", when I dropped him off and said he would get them from me later.. So guess it will be another happy night. LOL

NOW TO 9-11
Well I went to court on tuesday and got a date for my trial. Of all fucking days. My trial, if it goes to that, is set for Sept.11. WTF is this a joke I thought when the judge said it. So I'll be out of prison
at least through the summer to work for the RED CROSS. My sentince is looking like its not going to be under the 5 Years I had gotten so happy about. I'll keep you updated on that later.

They are said to bring good luck and happiness. Well I'm happy because my friend is, just that. A friend again to me. Nothing more, but his friendship means a lot to me and It took him
not speaking to me for 10 days to realize how much better of a friend he makes, than any boyfriend I was wanting him to be. Friends are forever. At least the good ones are.

well thats all of my rambling tonight,

Take care-Jamie



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

5:18 PM  

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