Thursday, June 22, 2006


Aww had to post this to thank my good friend Eric for the kind words. Thank you Eric.

love , Jamie

Body: Dear Honorable ......:

This is a letter by I, Eric Riggs, on behalf Jamie Greiman. I have personally known Jamie for 11 years now and consider him one my best friends. There is no question when it comes to Jamies character. For example, when Hurricane Katrina hit Jamie volunteered with the Red Cross without hesitation and was on his way to New Orleans. There he made a huge difference. I was very proud of him. Jamie is still a volunteer with The Red Cross today and teaches classes on disaster relief.

I feel that prison time will not help Jamie in the least bit. I dont just state this due to our friendship but I truly believe this to be true. Taking away Jamies freedom now, at this point in his life, when he is heading in the right direction will do more harm than good. . It is to my understanding that prison terms are laid down to those that either lead a criminal life style and or those that show that rehabilitation is needed. Placing Jamie in such an environment with negative influences in this atmosphere would be such a waste when he can do so many more productive things with his life. I have watched Jamie go through a huge change in the last two and a half years. He may have made some wrong choices but I believe in my heart that he is no threat to society, he is much more an asset.

That is why I think that it would be in Jamies best interest to stay out of jail. Jamie's character is of a dignified, trustworthy, loyal, and kind hearted person. I ask you to not change the direction of Jamie's life based on a mistake.


Eric Lee Riggs


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need help. Why do you share so much of your personal life here. You just seem even sadder and more pathetic every post.

3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

5:18 PM  

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