Wednesday, August 16, 2006


My name is Angie, I am a 37 year old mother of three and the sister to Jamie Grieman. I am writing this letter on behalf of Jamie. Jamie has truley turned his like around. Jamie has a huge heart and cares truley about his friends, family, and community.

In the past couple of years Jamie and I have become closer. Jamie and I only met 12 years ago and possibly only because of our brothers' death. Though Jamie and share the same father we have different mothers and therefore have lived across the country from each other. I honestly can see a major change in Jamie since I have met him. Jamie is trustworthy, hardwaorking, and dependabble. He has been there to help our father through some rough times with his health. I have to say that knowing Jamie was helping our dad truley helped ease some of the stress for me too. I live in Iowa and having three children of my own I was not able to be around much to help our dad.

Jamie not only has been there for our father, but also has and is continuing to help, my daughter. There was a period of time this past year where she not only was suicidal but was on the verge of bulimia due to a traumatic event from her childhood. Jamie was the first person to respond to her in her darkest hour. It was Jamie's honesty and support that helped reach her. Jamie seems to be the only who truley made a difference in helping her turn her life around. Jamie has also been there for me and continues to be. Not only has Jamie been there for our family, he has also served the American Community through working with the Red Cross. While working for the Red Cross he has helped the victims of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and has also helped in Southern California where there were mud slides.

Your Honor, I am asking to please take into consideration the tremendous life style change Jamie has had. Jamie has truley learned from his mistakes in life. I am proud of Jamie and the way he has changed for the better. I believe it is because of his mistakes and his openness to admit his mistakes that he has an ability to reach the unreachable. Please allow Jamie to continue improving his life and to continue helping others by giving Jamie the minimal punishment allowed by law. Thank you for your time.




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