Thursday, August 17, 2006


Dear Honorable ................... ,

I felt quite honored when my dear cousin, Jamie Greiman asked me to
write a character reference letter on his behalf in regards to his
future sentencing.

I have know Jamie my whole life. He is an outstanding cousin, son,
friend and citizen. Jamie is a very selfless person, caring for others
including his family and friends above himself. My family and I lived
about twenty minutes away from Jamie and his family for most of his
life. When Jamie was young he was an exceptional student and athlete.

The three virtues that come to mind when I think of Jamie are honesty,
determination and being considerate to others. Jamie dearly honors and
cares for his parents in many ways. He has helped and supported his
parents physically, as well as, emotionally through many hardships. His
younger brothers untimely death, his fathers many knee surgeries, his
fathers bout of lung cancer, his fathers open-heart surgery and most
recently the diagnoses of his fathers colon cancer.

I have not been able to visit my cousin for over a year due to his heavy
involvement in the American Red Cross. Jamie gladly volunteered his time
and labor into the efforts of helping Hurricane Katrina victims soon
after the devastation struck. Upon returning from New Orleans, Jamie
continued his work with the Red Cross which he found extremely
rewarding. Jamie has also completed the twelve step program through his
local Alcoholics Anonymous group and continues to attend meetings
regularly. I have a lot of respect for Jamie. He very much recognizes
what he did in the past was wrong. Jamie has completely changed his life
around since. No longer using drugs and leading a productive life. Jamie
is now a law-abiding and highly contributing member of society. Not to
mention a wonderful man.

I would appreciate that all of these facts be considered in the
sentencing of my cousin, Jamie Greiman. I ask that Jamie receive the
lowest term possible under the law. I believe he deserves this due to
his good behavior over the past two and a half years, as well as, his
lack of any prior criminal history. I think it would also be fair to
consider the circumstances surrounding his fathers possible terminal
illness. I hope that this letter helps you with your decision. Thank you
for your time and consideration! Have a good day!


Joy L. Greiman


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