Thursday, August 17, 2006


Dear Honorable....

I like to start out by saying that I have only known Jamie for 4 years but in those 4 years he has had a huge impact on my life. When I first meet Jamie I too was active in my addiction. Jamie and I meet through a mutual friend and used together a few times. Even with our friendship being primarily centered around drugs and alcohol, Jamie still managed to be very caring and sensitive to me other people. The drugs I believe were only to hide the pain of his brothers death.

When I meet Jamie I was going through some emotional and mental anguish. I was too using only to cover up pain and suffering. I was living a lie and was headed down the wrong path. Jamie in this time helped me to deal with coming out of the closet and dealing with splitting up with my fiance of 4 years and moving out of our home together where I raised and devoted all my time to my then 2 year old daughter.

Shortly after Jamie and I meet I noticed something was different about him in comparison to most of the other people I knew. He was always worried about other peoples needs and put everyone above himself and never asked for anything in return. When Jamie got into trouble he didn't stop talking to me and worry just about himself. Instead he was still there for me and over the past couple of years has been nothing but a positive influence in my life. I also quit using and started going to meetings and am living a sober life, and discovering who I am and a big part of that is due to Jamie.

Jamie is 1 of 3 people that I know for a fact that I could count on if I needed something. Jamie is just a giving person and has done so for more than just me. He went to new Orleans when Katrina struck. While in New Orleans, he made numerous friends who he still talks to today, helped parents and lost children reunite, served food to families who's homes were blown away, made sure that people were warm and felt safe, and he himself sacrificed having the comforts of being at home sleeping in his bed and watching his TV, with sleeping on the floor in school auditoriums and other shelters the red cross has designated for Katrina victims.

Jamie like myself only used as a way to cover up the pain and got caught in a battle with addiction and has overcome it and helped me to recover as well and continues to help his parents who count on him along with a lot of other people in his community and his friends. I look up to Jamie, he is one of the most sincere selfless people I know and is learning from his mistakes. I don't understand how he finds the time to touch the lives of so many and am going to be a little lost without him around.

With all that being said I ask that you think about someone who has helped change your life and continues to be a positive influence to you. Then I ask that you imagine for one second that they made a mistake and broke the law, but has done everything necessary to learn from that mistake and continues to being a positive influence in your life, so much so that you forget at times that they ever broke the law. Now imagine that they are in front of you for sentencing and think about what kind sentence you would give them.

Hopefully it would be a lenient one and hopefully you can see that a lenient sentence is truly merited in Jamie case and the less time in prison the more time he will have to continue to help others in his community and where ever he is needed.

I may have only known him for 4 years and not 15 or 20 but I have seen him make do more good for society than people I have know for 15 and 20 years.

Respectfully Yours,

Michael Weimer


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