Sunday, December 10, 2006

THE BUREAU OF PRISON BOARD lets an individual who is self surrendering bring two items with them into prison, an inexpensive watch and a religious cross. These are the only two items you can bring in from the outside world. Last night my boyfriend said I can take his watch with me when I go to prison. This opened up a flood gate of tears. A simple watch, now is going to hold so much meaning to me. I will wear it daily to help me get on with life in prison . It will be a remainder to me of the support and love I have on the outside. It will help me remember the Love we both shared and the memories we gave each other. I know I may be being dramatic here, but it is really amazing how a simple watch is going to be so powerful to me, in Prison. I love my boyfriend, he is one of the reasons I have made it so far these last 7 months and he is the reason I will make it until I self Surrender on Jan. 8th. Without him, my family and friends I would not be able to cope with what I am facing and I thank god for them everyday. I suspect my parents will be getting me the Cross I get to wear in prison and that will remind me of the love and support of the family I have on the outside. Thanks for listening to my thoughts. Love you- Jamie


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