Sunday, December 10, 2006

So today I was running all over doing Christmas shopping. I needed a bunch of Visa Gift Cards, so I went to Rite Aid to purchase them a couple times through out the day. I needed to get one more, this time bringing my boyfriend. I went up to the same cashier as I had seen the other two visits. What came out of the cashiers mouth will forever haunt me. This cashier must have been about 19, a cute girl. I hand her yet another gift card to purchase and she looks at me and the boyfriend and says
I think to myself, " She did not just say that". I look at her and say, "hmmm?". All confused. LOL. She then again says, " IS THIS YOUR SON?" I'm thinking now in my head, "OH HELL NO, NO SHE DIDN'T!" Then I start counting down in my head " In 5-4-3-2-1". Like those big black gurls on MADTV do. In that skit where they come back and "READ A BITCH". Before I could say anything the boyfriend says " hahah no were friends." Totally stealing my thunder by not allowing me to come back with " ummm no bitch this is my boyfriend, though he may call me Daddy sometimes". LOL . Do I look that fucking old that my 21 year old boyfriend could be my son? LoL bitches don't answer that. Thought I would share that story with ya.

Peace out - Jamie


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