Saturday, August 19, 2006


August 12, 2006

I have worked for the American Red Cross for 12 years as the Emergency Services Director. My work with American Red Cross has taken me too many states and communities during disaster. My primary focus when working on these disasters is in recruiting and training spontaneous volunteers. My biggest challenge has been the World Trade Center 9/11/2001, where 35,000 volunteers came forth to assist with that horrific act of terrorism.

To begin the healing process, only people who lived in Manhattan, New Jersey and Connecticut were allowed to volunteer, this was because the probability of having lost a loved one in the World Trade Center was greater for them than others living in other areas of our country. Helping gave them a sense of purpose and normalcy however still suffering form severe trauma. This was especially challenging for me and my colleagues as we had to be aware of their frailty. These experiences together with my education in psychology have enabled me to better accept and understand the complex human behavior.
Unfortunately behavior at times leads us to a path we wished we had not gone. While I believe that we must accept the consequences of bad choices, it is also my belief that not all bad choices warrant strong measures of punishment. Jaimes actions can not be overlooked however modification of punishment and treatment would be a better choice than strong punishment.

I have known Jamie Greiman for three years. Jaime volunteers for our Chapter and has done more than an outstanding job. As a volunteer some of his accomplishments have been in helping those affected by the devastating Hurricane Katrina last year. His Skills
abilities in leading others at a time of chaos were soon observed by his superiors and was promoted as a supervisor overseeing hundreds of other volunteers and paid American Red Cross staff. After working over two months and returning home he was soon requested by our National Headquarters to return once more. At the local level Jaimes skills on the computer has enable the chapter to implement a program that ties in nationally to the other Red Cross Chapters. He is a respected by volunteers as paid staff

Simply put, Jaime is a caring, gentle and positive young man. By his actions with Red Cross he has also shown himself as an intelligent and strong leader. I therefore ask that you grant him lenient sentence.


Director, Emergency Services
American Red Cross


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